ACEC Retirement Trust

The ACEC Retirement Trust oversees a program that provides retirement plans for participating ACEC member firms.

The program recordkeeper, Great-West Retirement Services, offers full service 401(k), Profit Sharing, Money Purchase, and Defined Benefit plans with discounted fee schedules to all member firms. Investment options are comprehensive and are reviewed regularly by an independent investment advisor retained by the Trust. A dedicated service team at Great-West ensures professional assistance with all aspects of administering the participating firms’ retirement plans.

For more information on the Trust, please Click Here to see why you should belong to the ACEC Trust, here for program highlights, here for a comparison checklist, and here for ACEC Trust allocation of fiduciary responsibilities. For more information on the investments in the plan, contact:

Lydia Zabrycki, Vice President | ACEC Retirement Trust
4208 Six Forks Rd, Suite 1700
Raleigh, NC 27609
[email protected] 
919.870.6822 office | 919.278.9921 direct |

The ACEC Staff Liaison for the Trust is Charles Kim. He can be reached at (202) 347-7474. Please visit the Retirement Trust’s website at the following address: